Recent News
October 28, 2017
Congratulations to Jieun Yang for winning the Fall 2017 MRS Postdoctoral Award!! The MRS Postdoctoral Award recognizes postdoctoral scholars who show exceptional promise that may include, for example, excellence in scientific research, leadership, advocacy, outreach, or teaching, during their postdoc assignment. Jieun's achievment will be acknowledged at the MRS Fall 2017 Meeting. Congratulations Jieun! [More information]
September 15, 2017
We have a new group member and graduate student, Jessica Johnson! Jessica was previously a member of our group as a part of the RiSE Scholar Program. Welcome back Jessica!
September 8, 2017
Our work, entitled "Metallic molybdenum disulfide nanosheet-based electrochemical actuators" published in Nature, has been featured in the news: Science Daily, Science Newsline, Phys.org and Futurity.